3, 2, 1! Three chances to hear SACC, two weekends of music, and one opportunity to sing with us!
The San Antonio Chamber Choir is busy, busy, busy preparing two different concerts for the next two successive weekends! There's something for everyone!!
A Spiritual Awakening
Saturday, Jan. 13
San Fernando Cathedral
This FREE one-hour concert is in collaboration with San Antonio's DreamWeek, the mission of which is to advance the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other great humanitarians like him by proliferating and modernizing their aspirations of a more equitable and enlightened society for all. SACC will be singing some of the most beloved spirituals of all time with arrangements by Moses Hogan, William Dawson, Hall Johnson, Stacey Gibbs, and more!
Here's our tenors and basses putting some finishing touches on William Dawson's "Soon Ah Will Be Done"
A Chance to Sing with SACC!
If you've ever wanted to sing along with SACC, here's your chance! We are inviting any choral singers out there to form the Greater San Antonio Chamber Choir and join us in singing Precious Lord arranged by Roy Ringwald at our A Spiritual Awakening concert. Rehearsal is at 6:30pm on the 13th. Simply email our Artistic Director, Rick Bjella, at rick.bjella@gmail.com with your interest and he will send you a link to the sheet music. More details can be found at our website: sachamberchoir.org
Saturday, Jan. 20
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower
Click Here for Tickets
We are so excited to be performing on Saturday night in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower, a beautiful venue with brilliant acoustics that will bring out the best of SACC's sound.
Sunday, Jan. 21
First Baptist Church
Donations Appreciated
Sunday's performance is sponsored by First Baptist Church's First Fine Arts series and will also feature the First Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir led by Dr. Aaron Hufty.
We at SACC are so looking forward to sharing this beautiful music with you all!
A Spiritual Awakening
Saturday, Jan. 13
San Fernando Cathedral
This FREE one-hour concert is in collaboration with San Antonio's DreamWeek, the mission of which is to advance the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other great humanitarians like him by proliferating and modernizing their aspirations of a more equitable and enlightened society for all. SACC will be singing some of the most beloved spirituals of all time with arrangements by Moses Hogan, William Dawson, Hall Johnson, Stacey Gibbs, and more!
Here's our tenors and basses putting some finishing touches on William Dawson's "Soon Ah Will Be Done"
If you've ever wanted to sing along with SACC, here's your chance! We are inviting any choral singers out there to form the Greater San Antonio Chamber Choir and join us in singing Precious Lord arranged by Roy Ringwald at our A Spiritual Awakening concert. Rehearsal is at 6:30pm on the 13th. Simply email our Artistic Director, Rick Bjella, at rick.bjella@gmail.com with your interest and he will send you a link to the sheet music. More details can be found at our website: sachamberchoir.org
Psalms in Song
The Psalms are full of beautiful poetry which has inspired composers from all over the world for generations. SACC will present a wide array of beautiful choral psalm settings from six different centuries including works by Palestrina, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Randall Thompson, Herbert Howells, Felix Mendelssohn, and a world premiere of a work by Hungarian composer Gyongyosi Levente that was dedicated to the San Antonio Chamber Choir!

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower
Click Here for Tickets
We are so excited to be performing on Saturday night in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower, a beautiful venue with brilliant acoustics that will bring out the best of SACC's sound.
Sunday, Jan. 21
First Baptist Church
Donations Appreciated
Sunday's performance is sponsored by First Baptist Church's First Fine Arts series and will also feature the First Baptist Church Sanctuary Choir led by Dr. Aaron Hufty.
We at SACC are so looking forward to sharing this beautiful music with you all!
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